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We invite all member households to join us for a special way of coming together in our sanctuary

During the month of Elul, the month leading up to Rosh HaShanah (Aug. 21 - Sept. 17)

All members are invited to sign up for a special private blessing with a member of our clergy in the Emanu-El courtyard, followed by a 5-10 minute time for just you and your household to have a prayerful moment in front of one of our arks.

This personal Temple moment will be structured with all the health rules for keeping a safe distance from others. Alternatively, if you feel safest pulling up to the front of the Temple in your car, a clergy person of your choice will

stand 6+ feet away to offer you a special blessing while you remain in your car. 

Our rabbis and cantors will be available to greet you in the courtyard, offer you a new year blessing,

and send you into the sanctuary with suggestions for how to have a meaningful moment in our sacred space.

We would love to offer your family wishes for a sweet new year and an opportunity for all congregants to spend

a moment in our sacred space.

If you want to stay healthy and safe, but you need your moment at Temple, the Ark Moment is for you! 

  • Private Blessing

    15 min

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